Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Final Project



Friday, April 9, 2010

Week 11: 3D Analyst

I just realized i had made the same mistake trying to save the file in 3D and not 2D. Better late than never. Other than that little problem the rest of the exercise happened to be pretty fun.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 11: Reclassify Data to a Common Scale

This is the final output for the vegetation rank map within the specified output. This exercise happened to be the quickest if not the least difficult one of the Module assigned. I chose not to fancy it up because I did not have all of the information necessary even though I could have made some assumptions to the north arrow and scale.

Week 11: Spatial Analyst Map 1

This was a very time consuming module all together and I originally had the model parameters correct and ran just fine but did not realize I had to show the model as my deliverable so when I reopened the mxd. file and tried to find the model, it was gone. On my second attempt to rerun the modelbuilder tool I kept getting an error for incorrect parameters. The original one had the drop shadows and worked just fine, but here is the snapshot requested.

Week 11: Customizing Labels

This exercise taught us how to customize our labels to make them more apropriate per feature. This was something I was very interested in from the beginning and just have not had time to experiment with during the semester so I enjoyed learning the different ways to label features in ArcMap.

Week 11: Managing Labels with Class

This exercise was very useful in teaching how to class and scale our labels, as well as symbols for labeling. I did not have much difficulty with the lab, but thought it was very useful and definitely will need for projects in the future.