Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

In this exercise I created two maps for the Garcon Point area of the Florida coast. The first showing environmentally sensitive land areas and wildlife which could be most impacted by the encroaching oil spill. As you can see much of the land around Garcon Point is important esturine or marshland that would be adversely impacted by the oil. Wildlife was not as abundant with the White-Tailed Deer being the only species to show up, although I do suspect there are many other species of wildlife that would be heavily impacted, especially marine life near and within the marsh. The second map shows boom operations and depicts the length of boom either in place or proposed around the Garcon Point area. The socioeconomic impact shown on this map was minimal but I am sure that is a matter of opinion.
This exercise was both interesting and challenging considering the direct impact this disaster is having on most of our lives at the moment. Once I got the projection problem worked out the rest was just a matter of designing the layouts. It was also the first time I had imported GIS into Google Earth which turns out to be very simple.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on your maps, Brian. True, there isn't much going on economically speaking near Garcon Point. The raising toll prices for the Garcon Point Bridge tells all. There are very unique species located in this me and many others, worth plenty!
